NEW stockist location - PMQ

NEW stockist location - PMQ

by Sharon Yeung

We are happy to have our creations at PMQ (B'in select, S102, PMQ, Central, Hong Kong [map]) which we can showcase all types of candle.

Ceramic vessel candles (190gram) are the regular candles and for each series, there's a dedicated color denote its series. We also introduce other candle vessels for each series to highlight the artistic conception of the series hence:

PAST/recollection series
Vessel option: black ceramic vessel & tin can (285gram)
Scent: Burning wood, Chinese temple, OT

PRESENT/this series
Vessel option: grey ceramic vessel & glass jar (270gram)
Scent: Sandalwood, White sage & cypress, White Tea

FANTASY/dreamy tale series
Vessel option: dusty pink ceramic vessel & iridescent glass vessel with colored wax, crystals, shells & mica (210gram)
Scent: Cloud, Fairy Garden, Mermaid Tears